Ultimately what we do is implement the basics WELL at the start.
It always starts with your customer journey.
It's pointless to go after a larger audience if you're inviting everyone in the front door only to leave the back open, leaving customers to walk straight through without purchasing.
A leaky bucket is just that.
If they're still scrolling they haven't found the answer to their question: Optimise your landing pages for conversions. There is already enough outside factors for your customers not to buy, don't give them more.
Despite what customer think, we all love our hand being held: Your customers remember their experience of purchase a lot more than the product itself over time, I bet you can think of businesses that have delighted you easier than those who have 'serviced' you.
Sense of purpose and community is paramount: Leaning into our intrinsic emotional attachment for being apart of the village is a concept that you either get or you don't.
Results come from a strong landing pad.
Whatever acronym you want to use is up to you, but if you're just chucking money hand over fist in a bid to lower your CPA but still converting at a horrific level I guarantee you're in the same boat you were in at lower revenue just in a bigger pond.
"I would rather 100 dedicated fans then 1000 1 time customers" - Stephen Miles
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